We had fun today at the SALI (Semiahmoo Animal League Inc.) dog wash fundraiser. After over a week of hot, sunny weather we somehow managed to get a cool, blustery, overcast day, but that didn’t stop folks from coming out to support the great work SALI does in the community.
Hurrah for our supporters and The Paw Spa who came out and did the washing in a clever, portable tub!
It is widely acknowledged that pets positively benefit the well-being of their owners and never more so for those whose lives are full of challenges. Today’s fundraising efforts go to support SALI’s Guardian program which provides for the needs of companion animals of women and children fleeing violence, isolated seniors, and people living in poverty and on the street.

I believe animals offer us an important link back to nature and the best parts of ourselves, the parts that recognize we are all kin and all connected. Animals also offer unconditional love and support when we need them most. That’s why I am happy to be a volunteer and member at SALI and why I support their efforts.
The special relationship between owner and pet adds incalculably to the quality of life. Any way that we can help, no matter how small, can really make a difference in someone’s life. If you’d like to know more visit the SALI website or donate online today.